1. India – Relief Features

I. Location of India
   India is located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere, extending from 8°N to 37°N latitude and 68°E to 97°E longitude.
   The Tropic of Cancer (23 ½° N Latitude) divides India into two halves

II. Major Physiographic Divisions
    The relief features of Indian landmass can be divided into six(6):
    1. The Himalayas
    2. The Indo-Gangetic Plain
    3. The Peninsular Plateau
    4. The Coastal plains
    5. The Desert
    6. The Islands

     1. The Himalayas
          Himalayas divided into three parallel ranges:
         Greater Himalayas (Himadri)
         Lesser Himalayas or Middle Himalayas (Himachal)
         Eastern Himalayas known as ‘Purvanchal’ and it regionally called as Patkai, Naga, Khasi, Jaintia, and Mizo hills.

    2. The Indo-Gangetic Plain
        Western part: It formed due to flow of river Indus and its tributaries.
        Central part: It formed due by the flow of river Ganga and its tributaries
        Eastern Part: It formed by the flow of river Brahmaputra.

  3. The Peninsular Plateau
       It is mainly divided into two parts:
      Central Highlands
      Deccan Plateau

  4. The Thar Desert
      It is on the leeward side of Aravali mountain ranges.

  5. The Coastal Plains
      Narrow coastal strips along the Arabian Sea (Western Coast) and Bay of Bengal (Eastern Coast).
      Western Coastal Plains:
         Konkan coast(Maharashtra-Goa)
         Canara coast(Karnataka)
         Malabar coast(Kerala).
     Eastern Coastal Plains:
        Utkal coast(Odisha)
        Circar coast(Andhra Pradesh)
        Coramandal coast(Tamilnadu).

 6. The Islands:
     There are two group of Islands.
     Andaman and Nicobar Islands:
     Lakshadweep Islands: